PT  |  ES

"Portugal Print is the national benchmark event in Portugal and Portus has been present since the very beginning. In every edition we have been investing in the promotion of all brands that we represent, as well as in after-sales services which we offer to our clients. Over the last years, we have achieved the maximum return of investments, since our visitors already know we bring the latest technological trends to the fair. In addition to a considerable number of leads, the opportunity to close deals during and after the fair are enough reasons so that Portus always looks forward to participating in this event."

António Azevedo - Portus

"Portugal Print is at the moment, without a doubt, the most prestigious fair in our industry sector. The fair is soundly organised and takes place in a prime location in our country, which is the International Fair of Lisbon, enjoying a major visibility to all of our clients. Widinovations will certainly be a frequent exhibitor for the next editions."

Miguel Miranda - Widinovations

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TAP Air Portugal is the Official Carrier of Portugal Print 2023, providing discounts and exclusive offers for our flight fares to all participants and exhibitors of the International Fair of Lisbon.

Click here for more information about the conditions and book your flight in advance.